Thursday, June 15, 2006


Our council has elected the new officers for 2006-2007.

New officers are as follows;

Grand Knight--------------Edwin Octave
Deputy Grand Knight-----Derrill Hymel
Chancellor------------------Blaise Gravois
Recorder--------------------Jody Chenier
Treasurer-------------------Bernard Labat
Advocate--------------------Lee Granier
Warden----------------------Elic Gravois
Inside Gaurd---------------James Kraemer
Outside Gaurd--------------Randal Reulet
3 Year Trustee--------------Eddie Kraemer
2 Year Trustee--------------Vincent Granier
1 Year Trustee---------------Brad Steib

Our Chaplain is Father Michael

Congratulations to the new officers!


Men and boys of the community meet once a month on the last Saturday of each month for an hour of prayer. It all begins with an opening song in which we all sing along with. Then we continue with a rosary. Then we have another song. We then have about 5 to 10 minutes of quiet time of meditation and personal prayer. We then have group prayers before closing with another song. It really is an awesome time. The ironic thing is GOD is always there and he brings his son along too.

Please join us every last Saturday of each month at 7AM in the church. Please bring your son.

Upcoming Hour of Prayer dates;
June 24, 2006
July 29, 2006
August 26, 2006
September 30, 2006
October 28, 2006
November 25, 2006
December 30, 2006

Hope to see you there.

Money Calendar Fundraiser

Our council will be selling money calendars. Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the Boyd Mahler Memorial Scholarship Fund.
The calendars will sell for $25.00. Everyone that purchases a calendar will recieve a number. If their number is pulled, they win the amount printed on the calendar for that day. Regular week days and Saturdays will be $25.00. All Sundays are $50.00. Holidays will range from $250.00 to $500.00 depending on the holiday. The greatest prize will be $1000.00 which will be given away for Columbus Day Holiday. Columbus day was chosen because we are the "Knights of Columbus".
We plan to start selling the calendars soon and the drawings will begin January 1, 2007.
The council will pull all the winning numbers for January at our December meeting. We will continue at each meeting pulling the numbers for the next month. All numbers will be posted on this site as indicated on the calendars.
If anyone is interested in purchasing a calendar, please contact a member of the Knights of Columbus.

As always, the council thanks everyone for there support. Good Luck!

We will begin selling the calendars in the next few months.
To order by mail, send $25.00 per calendar to;

KC11857 Calendar
C/O Derrill Hymel
22781 North Oak Street
Vacherie, La. 70090

Your calendar(s) will be sent to you once payment is received.

Make checks payable to "K of C Council 11857"

Knights of Columbus Council 11857
Vacherie, La

Associated with Our Lady of Peace Church

Our council meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7PM.
Upcoming meeting dates:
July 6th
August 3rd
September 7th
October 5th
November 2nd
December 7th

Stay tuned for more information.